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Hacking and Pen-Testing With The Nokia 770/800/810 Notes

   The n770 and n800 are Linux based mobile devices from Nokia that are designed for portable web surfing, Internet Tablets as Nokia calls them. The platform for these devices is know as Maemo and since it's Linux based many hackers have extended its functionality greatly. Since both models have built in WiFi and Bluetooth, and the older 770 model has come down in price ($130 when I got mine),
  I've decided to use it as a mobile pen-testing device. This page will be a collection of my notes on how to install and run hacking/pen-testing software with the n800/n770/n810. This page is a very rough draft for now, I plan to update it as I have more information to convey.
The Operating System
        Obviously, the first thing you will need is the proper OS. For my notes, I'm using Internet Tablet OS 2007 Hacker Edition (abbreviate IT2007HE) on a Nokia 770. IT2007 is meant for the n800, but the Hacker Edition version will run on the n770. I'm hoping that by using this edition I'll be able to write notes that should work on both models. To install IT2007HE download it from:
then use the installer from:
When the installer asks what firmware to use, point it at the bin file you downloaded from Everything else the installer should walk you through. For the record, I'm using SU-18_2007HACKER_4.2007.36-2_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin.
Adding Software
        Maemo appears to be Debian based and uses the APT package management system. You can install software off  the web by using repositories you download from, or by installing individual .debs from the RS-MMC card. You can set up repositories by hand if you wish, like in the following screen shots:
Find the Application ManagerBring up  the catalogue
Add to the catalogueAdd to the catalogue
Or by using the built in web browser and clicking on .install files that are provided by the developers. The following are repositories I found useful, just open up your n770/n800s/n810 web browser to this page and click on the .install files to add them:
Repository Name: Polish Eko1 repository
Notable Packages: Not sure
Notes: I've put this up despite it not having packages.

Repository Name: Polish Eko1 repository for IT2006
Notable Packages: becomeroot, btscanner, kismet, libpcap0.8, privoxy
Install File:
Notes: I modified this to work on IT2007, mostly just for Kismet.

Repository Name: Maemo-hackers
Notable Packages: dropbear-client, dropbear-server, Gaim, Xterm, PHP
Install File:
Notes: A metric ton of apps. Xterm is a must for the comand line apps.

Repository Name: MUlliNER.ORG Maemo Software
Notable Packages: aircrack-ng, aircrack-ng, btaudit, dsniff, libp cap, nmap 3.95-1, tcpdump
Install File:
Notes: MUlliNER.ORG seems to have more security apps than anyone else.

Repository Name: Repository
Notable Packages: libpcap0.8, nano, netcat, tcpdump, wireless-tools, iputils, traceroute, wget, gpsd, Bash
Install File:
Notes: Install this and get all those usefull IP tools like Ping and Traceroute

Repository Name: Repository Extras
Notable Packages:  vncviewer, python, mplayer, maemo-mapper, evince, openssh, rdesktop
Install File:
Notes: Even more good stuff.
If you want a large list of repositories, check out
Once the repositories are set up you can install apps using the Application Manager and let it take care of the dependences for you. Just choose "Browse installable applications" and go through the alphabetical list, or use the binoculars icon to search for the package you want. It should be noted that to install some packages you will have to be in "Red Pill" mode. If you ever get an error that says you can't install something, put your tablet in "Red Pill" mode by going to add a new repository, typing just "matrix" in the web address line then hitting cancel and choosing Red as show in the screen shots below. If you want to find even more software for you 770/800 check out .

Red Pill Mode 1 Red Pill Mode 2
Using the above repositories you should be able to add pen-testing apps like Nmap, Kismet, Netcat and others.

Becoming Root
        For some apps like Kismet a Nmap, to get the full functionality you will have to become root. The easiest way is to drop out to a command line using Xterm and type "sudo gainroot" then use use whatever apps you like.

That's it for now, more to come later.
        Pierre Droids has done some work to install Metasploit on the n800. Check out his blog entry here:
and download hi packages from here:
He even has a newer version of Nmap for use. Step by step instructions for installing Metasploit on your n800 can be found here:
I'm still working on getting it to run on the n770.
        If you want be to continue working on this page send me your how to snibits and suggestions and I'd be glad to add them. If you are still having problems, check out by video on configuring a Nokia 770 with pen-testing tools:


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